Assessment for Learning — AfL (Formative Assessment)

At Shaw Primary School, we use formative assessment on a daily basis to inform and direct our teaching. We define formative assessment as any assessment or feedback that celebrates children’s successes and directs them to the next steps in their learning.

Informed and targeted planning is central to good AfL. We have carefully mapped the sequence of our curriculum across each year group and use this to track progress towards end of key stage milestones. Progress along this track is noted three times per year on a whole school tracking system called Pupil Asset. These judgements are made at the result of ongoing AfL and the next element of assessment — summative assessment.

Summative Assessment (Internal Tracking, Tests, and Checks)

Summative assessment is concerned with marks, grades, percentages, and how much of the curriculum an individual child has learned. On a daily basis, this may be marks on a spelling or maths test or the level in a reading scheme.

Pupil Asset allows us to check the progress of each child and make a professional judgment on whether they are on track to meet the end-of-year expectations for that year group. It also enables us to compare the attainment and progress of certain groups with the class or school in relation to their peers. This may include boys vs girls, children with SEN, or pupil who attract pupil premium funding.

We believe that summative assessment is most useful when it is used to raise questions, such as; “Which areas of maths does this test result show to be a weakness or strength for this child/group/class?” This then allows for the formative use of summative data.

Statutory Assessment (Government Accountability Tests)

Statutory assessment refers to any test of check which is administered by law. These include foundation stage assessments, the year 1 and 2 phonics check, and assessments at the end of year 2 and year 6. These measures have been temporarily removed as a result of Corona Virus Lockdowns in both 2020 and 2021.

This data is used as accountability measures to compare schools across the country. Following the recent national changes to assessment, these tests and checks are almost all characterised by being “pass or fail” tests, with a set mark indicating that a child has met the standard. Children can therefore meet or miss the standard by a single mark. These tests and checks have very little value on a formative level.

There is a danger that, due to pressures of accountability, schools may focus too much on the narrow range of skills that are assessed in such tests. While we agree that basic skills are vitally important, at Shaw we strive to avoid a narrow curriculum by weaving these skills into a broad and balanced curriculum with lots of first-hand experience, visits, and engaging topic work.

Assessment Results

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

KS2 Results 2019

  Reading Writing Maths
Average Progress Score +1.88 (Average) +0.78 (Average) +0.12 (Average)
  Reading Maths
Average Scaled Score 105.77 104.53
  Reading Writing Maths Reading, Writing, and Maths
Achieved Expected Level 80% 77% 673% 70%
Achieved Higher Level 37% 27% 23% 20%

KS2 Results 2018

  Reading Writing Maths
Average Progress Score -1.66 (Average) -1.36 (Average) -3.02 (Below Average)
  Reading Maths
Average Scaled Score 103.4 102
  Reading Writing Maths Reading, Writing, and Maths
Achieved Expected Level 75% 75% 69% 56%
Achieved Higher Level 16% 13% 16% 3%

Performance Tables

The following link will take you to the most recent performance data published by the Government relating to Shaw CofE Primary School performance results at Key Stage 2. This information relates to our 2023 results. Key Stage 2 performance data for 2023 can be found here:


The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.